
Monday Apr 01, 2019
0044 - What Does a Wedding Have to Do with Jesus' Kingdom? - Matthew 25:1-13
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Monday Apr 01, 2019
In this episode I explore the parable of the 10 Virgins in Matthew 25:1-13. It's a bit of a sobering parable, calling us to seriousness and focus and preparation in our relationship with Jesus. There's a party coming ... a whole new day coming, in fact. And we don't want to miss out by being half-hearted or cavalier in our walk with God.
Also, this is the result of a suggestion/question by a listener. If you have a question or passage to study, message me.
A huge thanks to all of you who make this show possible through your financial support! It means the world to me (plus it helps pay the bills and enables me to keep making more content like this!) Thank you!
If you want to help, here's two options for supporting the show:
Become a patron for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here.
Give through World Family Mission at http://worldfamilymissions.org/missionaries/john-whittaker/ … all gifts are tax deductible.
Other resources and ways to connect with me:
YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
Website - If you want to stay in the loop and get updates and offers from me, subscribe at johnwhittaker.net. - Be sure to check out the courses page for more teaching.
Free Resources: You can deepen your walk with God by reading the Bible and praying consistently. Get a free reading plan here or take a free 15 minute mini-course here to help you get started.
Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.

Monday Mar 25, 2019
Monday Mar 25, 2019
The greatest impact of the Bible I have ever experienced was at Boise Bible College. I attended there and was powerfully shaped by Scripture during my student days. Then I taught there for 19 years. And the transformative power of the being immersed in God's word day in and day out is truly evident for man or woman who humbly submits to God's work in his or her life.
In this episode, Interview Derek Voorhees about Boise Bible College and power of immersing people into the Bible. To learn more about Boise Bible College go to http://www.boisebible.edu.
For information about monthly subscriptions to my courses go to https://www.johnwhittaker.net/church-subscriptions.
YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.
Website - If you want to stay in the loop and get updates and offers from me, subscribe at johnwhittaker.net.
Free Resources: You can deepen your walk with God by reading the Bible and praying consistently. Get a free reading plan here or take a free 15 minute mini-course here to help you get started.
Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
Patreon: You can support John's podcast for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here. You'll get access to bonus material and help me create an audio commentary on the New Testament.

Monday Mar 18, 2019
0042 - Who's In Good with God?
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Monday Mar 18, 2019
One of the dominant assumptions of Christians and non-Christians is that good people are in good with God. And good people can mean religious people - people who pray, read the Bible, serve at church, etc. Or good people can simply mean decent people - people who have a good job, work hard, have a nice family, etc.
Jesus has a different opinion about who's in good with God ... not good people but humble people. This is in fact, the repeated refrain of the Bible: God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble.
So in the episode we explore Jesus' parable in Luke 18:9-14 where Jesus answers the question, Who's in good with God?
The Basics of Spiritual Growth course: https://learn.johnwhittaker.net/courses/the-basics-of-spiritual-growth
YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
Website - If you want to stay in the loop and get updates and offers from me, subscribe at johnwhittaker.net.
Free Resources: You can deepen your walk with God by reading the Bible and praying consistently. Get a free reading plan here or take a free 15 minute mini-course here to help you get started.
Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
Patreon: You can support John's podcast for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here. You'll get access to bonus material and help me create an audio commentary on the New Testament.
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.

Monday Mar 11, 2019
0041 - You're Not Gonna Miss the Party, Are You? - Luke 14:15-24
Monday Mar 11, 2019
Monday Mar 11, 2019
In Luke 14:15-25, Jesus offers a sharp warning to people who you'd think be the most likely to be a part of God's eternal kingdom ... to the very people you'd think were certainly gonna be there... to the people who were self-assured that they'd be there. A warning that ought to get our attention if we are "church people": you're not gonna miss the party, are you?
It's also a parable that illustrates our need to read the Bible in its context so we can hear what it's actually saying. So in this episode I mention my my study skills course that's available online. You can find that here - https://learn.johnwhittaker.net/courses/bible-study-skills.
Pastors, church subscriptions are available here - https://www.johnwhittaker.net/church-subscriptions. I'd love to chat with you about how they can be a part of your discipleship process.
YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.
Website - If you want to stay in the loop and get updates and offers from me, subscribe at johnwhittaker.net.
Free Resources: You can deepen your walk with God by reading the Bible and praying consistently. Get a free reading plan here or take a free 15 minute mini-course here to help you get started.
Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram (plus pictures of my grand daughters!)
Patreon: You can support John's podcast for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here. You'll get access to bonus material and help me create an audio commentary on the New Testament.

Monday Mar 04, 2019
0040 - Finding Buried Treasure - Matthew 13:44-46
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Monday Mar 04, 2019
What is one thing in life you'd give up everything to get?
Jesus' answer is the "Kingdom of Heaven."
What is the "Kingdom of Heaven"? And what is the Kingdom of Heaven like?
We're in a series on the parables of Jesus and in this episode Jesus shows us how valuable the Kingdom of Heaven is.
Here's a link to the Basics of Spiritual Growth course that I mentioned in the podcast: https://learn.johnwhittaker.net/courses/the-basics-of-spiritual-growth
YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvGar3gboVHXDIplJW6TWQ
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.
Website - If you want to stay in the loop and get updates and offers from me, subscribe at johnwhittaker.net.
Free Resources: You can deepen your walk with God by reading the Bible and praying consistently. Get a free reading plan here or take a free 15 minute mini-course here to help you get started.
Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
Patreon: You can support John's podcast for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here. You'll get access to bonus material and help me create an audio commentary on the New Testament.

Monday Feb 25, 2019
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Did you know that it's possible to listen to the Bible's teaching and be worse off because of it?
That you can be immune to the power of God's word?
That hearing the Bible can be dangerous for your soul?
Jesus believed this was true, and that has a lot to do with why He taught in parables.
In this episodes we begin a series of studies on the parables of Jesus by exploring Luke 8 and what Jesus expected his parables to do.
Bible Reading Plan: Here's the link the bible reading plan I mention in the episode - https://www.johnwhittaker.net/readingplan.
YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel ... subscribe to those here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvGar3gboVHXDIplJW6TWQ
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.
Website - If you want to stay in the loop and get updates and offers from me, subscribe at johnwhittaker.net.
Free Resources: You can deepen your walk with God by reading the Bible and praying consistently. Get a free reading plan here or take a free 15 minute mini-course here to help you get started.
Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
Patreon: You can support John's podcast for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here. You'll get access to bonus material and help me create an audio commentary on the New Testament.

Monday Feb 18, 2019
Monday Feb 18, 2019
There is one Bible story I want everyone to experience. I don't just mean read ... I mean experience. I want you to experience it. To imagine yourself being there. To feel what the townsfolk felt ... and what the Pharisee felt ... and what Jesus felt ... and what the woman felt. To put yourself in the place of various characters in the story and experience what it was to be there. To see the look on people's faces. To see the look on Jesus' face as he looks at this woman.
If you've every felt like there's no way Jesus could ever love me! This story is for you. Sit with it. Soak it in. Savor it.
May this story draw you further into the love of Christ.
YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvGar3gboVHXDIplJW6TWQ
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.
If you want to stay in the loop and get updates and offers from me, subscribe at johnwhittaker.net.
Free Resources: You can deepen your walk with God by reading the Bible and praying consistently. Get a free reading plan here or take a free 15 minute mini-course here to help you get started.
Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
Patreon: You can support John's podcast for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here. You'll get access to bonus material and help me create an audio commentary on the New Testament.

Monday Feb 11, 2019
0037 - Why Parenting Requires Wisdom and Grace - A Biblical View of Children
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Monday Feb 11, 2019
"Raising kids is is piece of cake" said no parent anywhere!
Parenting well is hard work ... soul stretching work. Being a new grandpa (you need to follow me on Instagram and Facebook so you can see pics! No seriously, go check out the pics!) has me thinking about kids and parenting. So in this episode I explore a biblical view of children and how that should shape our parenting.
My Parenting Book -- For more of my thoughts on the specific strategies for raising kids click here, check out my book on parenting - preparethemtoflourish.com
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.
If you want to stay in the loop and get updates and offers from me, subscribe at johnwhittaker.net.
Free Resources: You can deepen your walk with God by reading the Bible and praying consistently. Get a free reading plan here or take a free 15 minute mini-course here to help you get started.
Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
Patreon: You can support John's podcast for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here. You'll get access to bonus material and help me create an audio commentary on the New Testament.

Monday Feb 04, 2019
Monday Feb 04, 2019
In Philippians 3:20, the apostle Paul says that we are "citizens of heaven," and I think most modern Christians misunderstand what he means. We think he means that we've got our ticket and we're going to heaven when we die. While it may be true that Christians go to heaven when we die (although that isn't our final hope, by the way), that's not what Paul means by describing us as "citizens of heaven."
What he means has a lot to do with the culture and situation of the Christians in Philippi, and that's what we explore in this episode.
If you want to stay in the loop and get updates and offers from me, subscribe at johnwhittaker.net.
You can deepen your walk with God by reading the Bible and praying consistently. Get a free reading plan here or take a free 15 minute mini-course here to help you get started.
I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.
You can support John's podcast for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here. You'll get access to bonus material and help create an audio commentary on the New Testament.

Monday Jan 28, 2019
0035 - When Should You Stop Doing Good for Others? - Galatians 6:7-10
Monday Jan 28, 2019
Monday Jan 28, 2019
Be good. I grew up thinking being good referred to my morality. But in the Bible goodness is less about morality and more about our interactions with others.
Goodness is something we show to people and give to people.
In this podcast we explore Galatians 6:7-10 and consider just how important doing good actually is ... and how long we should do it for.
If you want to stay in the loop and get updates and offers from me, subscribe at johnwhittaker.net.
You can deepen your walk with God by reading the Bible and praying consistently. Get a free reading plan here or take a free 15 minute mini-course here to help you get started.
Connect with me on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.
You can support John's podcast for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here. You'll get access to bonus material and help me create an audio commentary on the New Testament.