
Monday Jun 17, 2019
The Most Important Element of Our Hope - 0054
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Continuing to look at what our hope in Christ consists of, this episode explores the most important element of our hope, the thing without which our hope really wouldn't be good. John looks at Philippians 1, 2 Corinthians 5, several Psalms, revelation 21 all to show that our hope will be our hearts deepest longing satisfied once and for all!
Bible in Life is a listener supported show. There are two ways you can support the show:
Become a patron for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here.
Donate through World Family Mission at http://worldfamilymissions.org/missionaries/john-whittaker/ … all gifts are tax deductible.
Other resources and ways to connect with me:
YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
Website - If you want to stay in the loop and get updates and offers from me, subscribe at johnwhittaker.net.
Free Resources: You can deepen your walk with God by reading the Bible and praying consistently. Get a free reading plan here or take a free 15 minute mini-course here to help you get started.
Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.

Monday Jun 03, 2019
Why You Should Be Excited About Judgment Day! - 0053
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Monday Jun 03, 2019
It's common to reduce judgment day to the time when God will decide who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. But judgment day is so much more than that. In the Bible, when God comes as judge is looked forward to with overwhelming anticipation - it's a day you can't wait for! Why is that? Take a listen.
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/johnwhittaker - if you want to hear some of my thoughts on the Book of Revelation, become at patron for as little as $5 per month.
Book - Surprised by Hope https://amzn.to/2WmviXK - This is a great book by N. T. Wright on a biblical understanding of Christian hope. Note: this is an affiliate link.
Other resources and ways to connect with me:
YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
Website - If you want to stay in the loop and get updates and offers from me, subscribe at johnwhittaker.net.
Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.

Monday May 27, 2019
Our Story Comes Full Circle - Revelation 22 - 0052
Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
In this episode of the Bible in Life, I explore Revelation 22 and show it connects with Genesis 2, providing the perfect conclusion to the story of the Bible. As such, it offers a resolution to our story that better than we could have ever dreamed of!
1. Get my free guide "The #1 Key to being Changed by the Bible" at https://www.johnwhittaker.net.
2. The Bible in Life is a listener supported show. There are two ways you can support the show:
-Become a patron for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here.
-Donate through World Family Mission at http://worldfamilymissions.org/missionaries/john-whittaker/ … all gifts are tax deductible.
3. Other resources and ways to connect with me:
YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.

Monday May 20, 2019
When War will be No More - 0051- Isaiah 2 and 9
Monday May 20, 2019
Monday May 20, 2019
Let's be honest - war is awful! Anyone who's ever been a part of it knows that. The effects on cultures and countries goes way beyond the war itself. God's got a plan to eliminate war, and that's part of our hope!
1. Here's the link to the church subscription page mentioned in this episode. https://www.johnwhittaker.net/copy-of-church-subscriptions
2. Here's the link to the Bible Survey course mentioned in this episode. https://learn.johnwhittaker.net/courses/bible-survey
3. Two ways you can support the show:
-Become a patron for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here.
-Donate through World Family Mission at http://worldfamilymissions.org/missionaries/john-whittaker/ … all gifts are tax deductible.
4. Other resources and ways to connect with me:
-YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
-Website - If you want to stay in the loop and get updates and offers from me, subscribe at johnwhittaker.net.
-Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.

Monday May 13, 2019
Our King Will Return and Put an End to Death - 1 Thessalonians 4:13-8 - 0050
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
One of the major themes in Christian hope is the return of Jesus. First Thessalonians 4:13-18 is one of the key texts talking about that. This study looks at the some of the background info that helps us understand that passage in its original context, and in doing so, raises questions about the popular rapture theology.
1. To buy the two books I mentioned in this episode (these are affiliate links, which means using these links helps me out a little bit):
-Heaven, by Randy Alcorn - https://amzn.to/2H2XllL
-Surprised by Hope, N.T. Wright - https://amzn.to/2VgflC2
2. Two ways you can support the show:
-Become a patron for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here.
- Donate through World Family Mission at http://worldfamilymissions.org/missionaries/john-whittaker/ … all gifts are tax deductible.
3. Other resources and ways to connect with me:
YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
Website - If you want to stay in the loop and get updates and offers from me, subscribe at johnwhittaker.net.
Free Resources: You can deepen your walk with God by reading the Bible and praying consistently. Get a free reading plan here or take a free 15 minute mini-course here to help you get started.
Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.

Monday May 06, 2019
Hope - What's Your Ultimate Destiny? (2 Peter 3:10-13) - 0049
Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
As a follower of Jesus, what's your ultimate destiny? That is, what's your ultimate hope? If you're like a lot of Christians I talk to, then there's a good chance it's actually something different than you think! Check out this Bible study of 2 Peter 3:10-13.
1. To buy the two books I mentioned in this episode (these are affiliate links, which means using these links helps me out a little bit):
-Heaven, by Randy Alcorn - https://amzn.to/2H2XllL
-Surprised by Hope, N.T. Wright - https://amzn.to/2VgflC2
2. Two ways you can support the show:
-Become a patron for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here.
- Donate through World Family Mission at http://worldfamilymissions.org/missionaries/john-whittaker/ … all gifts are tax deductible.
3. Other resources and ways to connect with me:
YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
Website - If you want to stay in the loop and get updates and offers from me, subscribe at johnwhittaker.net.
Free Resources: You can deepen your walk with God by reading the Bible and praying consistently. Get a free reading plan here or take a free 15 minute mini-course here to help you get started.
Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.

Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
0048 - Christian Hope Fuels Christian Living
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Every time passages about hope (eschatology) show up in the New Testament letters, they are always connected in some way to Christian living ... to perseverance, to holiness, to grief, or some such thing. In other words, Christian hope fuels Christian living. The stronger our hope, the stronger our faithfulness!
1. Parenting book - www.preparethemtoflourish.com
2. Two ways you can support the show:
-Become a patron for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here.
-Donate through World Family Mission at http://worldfamilymissions.org/missionaries/john-whittaker/ … all gifts are tax deductible.
Other resources and ways to connect with me:
3. YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
4. Free Resources: You can deepen your walk with God by reading the Bible and praying consistently. Get a free reading plan here or take a free 15 minute mini-course here to help you get started.
5. Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.

Monday Apr 22, 2019
0047 - Why Hope? - Romans 8:24-25
Monday Apr 22, 2019
Monday Apr 22, 2019
We need hope. Our world needs hope. But ... Why hope? Is it just blind optimism? Isn't pessimism more in touch with reality?
This episode begins a new series on hope in the Bible.
Resources and ways to connect with John:
1. Parenting book: http://www.preparethemtoflourish.com
2. Online Bible Courses: https://www.johnwhittaker.net/courses
3. Two ways you can support the show:
-Become a patron for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here.
-Donate through World Family Mission at http://worldfamilymissions.org/missionaries/john-whittaker/ … all gifts are tax deductible.
4. YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
5. Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.

Monday Apr 15, 2019
How Does Your Vision of God Compare with Jesus' Vision of God - Luke 15
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
The religious leaders of Jesus' day didn't think God would welcome and eat with immoral people. Jesus disagreed. And in the parable of the prodigal son, found in Luke 15, Jesus paints a beautiful portrayal of God that should encourage immoral and moral people alike to receive the Father's compassion and generosity.
Check out John's new parenting book Prepare Them to Flourish at preparethemtoflourish.com
Other ways to connect with John and support the show:
Two ways you can support the show:
Become a patron for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here.
Give through World Family Mission at http://worldfamilymissions.org/missionaries/john-whittaker/ … all gifts are tax deductible.
YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
Website - If you want to stay in the loop and get updates and offers from me, subscribe at johnwhittaker.net.
Free Resources: You can deepen your walk with God by reading the Bible and praying consistently. Get a free reading plan here or take a free 15 minute mini-course here to help you get started.
Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.

Monday Apr 08, 2019
0045 - God Doesn't Use Our Measuring Stick - Matthew 20:1-16
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Monday Apr 08, 2019
You should get _____ because you deserve it! Fill in that blank with whatever - promotion, scholarship, etc. We're used to getting what you deserve. And every cultural - which means everyone of us - has a measuring stick to determine who should be first and who shouldn't be.
But God doesn't calculate worthiness. He deals with us differently.
That's the point of the parable of the laborers in the vineyard found in Matthew 20:1-16.
Here's the link to the Bible Study Skills course mentioned in this episode - https://learn.johnwhittaker.net/courses/bible-study-skills.
The Bible in Life is a listener supported show ... Here are two ways you can support the show:
Become a patron for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here.
Give through World Family Mission at http://worldfamilymissions.org/missionaries/john-whittaker/ … all gifts are tax deductible.
Other resources and ways to connect with me:
YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
Website - If you want to stay in the loop and get updates and offers from me, subscribe at johnwhittaker.net.
Free Resources: You can deepen your walk with God by reading the Bible and praying consistently. Get a free reading plan here or take a free 15 minute mini-course here to help you get started.
Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.