
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Freedom, pt. 7 - Not an Excuse for Disobedience | Romans 7:13-25 | 0064
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Romans 7:13-25. "The things want to do I don't do and the things I don't want to do, I do." Can you identify with the struggle with sin the apostle Paul describes? I think many of us do.
And because we identify with it, we easily miss the point of what he says!
That's not the best communication strategy, right. Like, you're talking to someone and they say something that makes you think of something in your life and before you know it, you're talking about yourself and never really heard what they were saying!
So, let me be totally clear: Romans 7:13-25 is not about the conflict of two natures in the christian life. What is it about? That's what this episode is all about. Check it out.
▶️FREE RESOURCES: Get the “Read the Bible Right” bundle at https://www.johnwhittaker.net/free-resources.
Two ways you can support the show:
- Become a patron for as little as $5 per month at https://www.patreon.com/johnwhittaker
- Donate through World Family Mission at http://worldfamilymissions.org/missionaries/john-whittaker/ … all gifts are tax deductible.
Other resources and ways to connect with me:
▶️YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
▶️Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.

Monday Aug 19, 2019
Freedom, pt. 6 - Is the Old Testament Law Bad? | Romans 7:7-12 | 0063
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Have you ever heard someone say something like "the Old Testament is just a bunch of rules and rituals"? Or that "the Old Testament is full of legalism, but the New Testament is full of grace." It's not uncommon for Christians to speak negatively about the Old Testament, especially about the Law, as legalistic rules (even if most wouldn't go as far as Andy Stanley and say we need to unhitch ourselves from the Old Testament - for more of my thoughts on Andy's comments see here on a patron only podcast).
If we're going to have a healthy and accurate theology of the Law, we need to listen closely to the apostle Paul.
In Romans 7, the apostle Paul explores what's wrong with the Old Testament Law (aka. the Torah)... and it's not the Law itself. He does say the Law led to sinning and even led to death. But he also says the Law is holy, righteous, and good.
How can both of those be the case? Well, Paul says, that's because the Law said what was right but was unable to enable fallen people to do right. The Law was actually a victim the insidiousness of sin! Which leads us to a deeper appreciation of how bad we are and how loved we are at one and that same time!
Listen to this episode for all the details!
▶️FREE RESOURCES: Get the “Read the Bible Right” bundle at https://www.johnwhittaker.net/free-resources.
▶️COURSE BUNDLE: Click the following link for the course bundle for homeschooler parents (and anyone else) I mentioned https://www.johnwhittaker.net/grow-your-faith
Two ways you can support the show:
- Become a patron for as little as $5 per month at https://www.patreon.com/johnwhittaker
- Donate through World Family Mission at http://worldfamilymissions.org/missionaries/john-whittaker/ … all gifts are tax deductible.
Other resources and ways to connect with me:
▶️YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
▶️Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.

Monday Aug 12, 2019
Monday Aug 12, 2019
In Romans 7, the apostle Paul begins to explain why the Old Testament Law (the Torah) is no longer in charge of God's people. In this episode, we explore Romans 7:1-6, which is the second part of Paul's answer to the question of why shouldn't we sin because we're not under the Law but under grace.
Paul believed that the Law got tangled up with sin and led to death (this isn't because the Law is bad ... Paul will explain that in the following paragraphs) because it was working with people who were in the flesh not in the Spirit. The contrast between flesh and Spirit is central to this section and to Paul's thinking on living the Christian life. He believes the Spirit is now the way God governs His people and the Spirit actually enables us to live the kind of life which God desires for us and which the Law wished to give but couldn't.
▶️FREE RESOURCES: Get the “Read the Bible Right” bundle at https://www.johnwhittaker.net/free-resources.
Two ways you can support the show:
- Become a patron for as little as $5 per month at https://www.patreon.com/johnwhittaker
- Donate through World Family Mission at http://worldfamilymissions.org/missionaries/john-whittaker/ … all gifts are tax deductible.
Other resources and ways to connect with me:
▶️YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
▶️Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.

Monday Aug 05, 2019
Monday Aug 05, 2019
In Romans 6:15-23, Paul is helping us further understand why no longer living in sin is the only real option for us. God's grace doesn't only free us from the penalty of sin; it also frees us from the power of sin! That means we can actually obey God now. And that is super good news, because sin is poison and leads to death but righteousness leads to life ... real, lasting, eternal life!
So once again, we need to examine how our life is arranged. Is it arranged so that sin has sway? Or is it arranged so that righteousness calls the shots? If the latter is the case, Paul says that will lead to "sanctification." Sanctification in this instance refers to the process of becoming holy. In other words, if we arrange our life to listen to God and remove things that give sin a voice in our life, then increasingly we will become holy like Jesus.
So how is your life arranged unto God?
- Are you learning and listening to His word?
- Do you use both planned prayer times and spontaneous prayer throughout the day?
- Do you have fellow believers who have the freedom to speak truth into your life?
Practices such as those are means of presenting ourself to God, so that we can live our our new identity in Christ.
▶️FREE RESOURCES: Get the “Read the Bible Right” bundle at https://www.johnwhittaker.net/free-resources.
Two ways you can support the show:
- Become a patron for as little as $5 per month at https://www.patreon.com/johnwhittaker
- Donate through World Family Mission at http://worldfamilymissions.org/missionaries/john-whittaker/ … all gifts are tax deductible.
Other resources and ways to connect with me:
▶️YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
▶️Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.

Monday Jul 29, 2019
Freedom! pt. 3: Arrange Your Life to Live Your Freedom! | Romans 6:12-14
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Since you are dead to sin, you need to live like it!
Paul's treatment is very balanced in Romans 6. He assures us that we've died to sin - that's the truth about us. But even though that's true and we're dead to sin, sin is not dead. So we have to intentionally rearrange our life to live out the freedom we've been given. In Romans 6:12-14, Paul gives very concrete plan for how to do that.
▶️FREE RESOURCES: Get the “Read the Bible Right” bundle at https://www.johnwhittaker.net/free-resources.
Two ways you can support the show:
- Become a patron for as little as $5 per month at my Patreon page
- Donate through World Family Mission … all gifts are tax deductible.
Other resources and ways to connect with me:
▶️YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel
▶️Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.

Monday Jul 22, 2019
Freedom! pt. 2: Sin is Contrary to Who You Are Now! | Romans 6:1-11 - 0059
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Romans 6:1-11 is one of the most powerful passages for understanding who you are and for living your Christian life. It explains why you don't have to sin anymore and the first step to living out the new freedom you have in Christ.
▶️FREE RESOURCES: Get the “Read the Bible Right” bundle at https://www.johnwhittaker.net/free-resources.
▶️INTRO TO THE BIBLE COURSE: https://www.johnwhittaker.net/get-a-grip-on-the-bible
Two ways you can support the show:
- Become a patron for as little as $5 per month at https://www.patreon.com/johnwhittaker
- Donate through World Family Mission at http://worldfamilymissions.org/missionaries/john-whittaker/ … all gifts are tax deductible.
Other resources and ways to connect with me:
▶️YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
▶️Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.

Monday Jul 15, 2019
Monday Jul 15, 2019
On this episode, we're beginning a new series through Romans 6-8. This section of the Bible teaches truths that are incredibly powerful for dealing with temptation and living the Christian life but are so often overlooked. Subscribe so you don't miss an episode! And don't forget to share the Bible in Life with your friends.
▶️FREE RESOURCES: Get the Bible reading and praying bundle at johnwhittaker.net.
Two ways you can support the show:
1. Become a patron for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here.
2. Donate through World Family Mission at http://worldfamilymissions.org/missionaries/john-whittaker/ … all gifts are tax deductible.
Other resources and ways to connect with me:
▶️YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
▶️Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you value this teaching share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email, and good old word of mouth!

Monday Jul 08, 2019
Bible in Life Turns 1-Year Old! - Reflections from the Past Year - 0057
Monday Jul 08, 2019
Monday Jul 08, 2019
In the 1 year birthday episode, I reflect on the past year. I offer stats to explain why online resources are a necessary part of making disciples today and share my heart for this podcast and online Bible teaching ministry.
Become a patron for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here.
Donate through World Family Mission at http://worldfamilymissions.org/missionaries/john-whittaker/ … all gifts are tax deductible.
▶️YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
▶️Website - If you want to stay in the loop and get updates and offers from me, subscribe at johnwhittaker.net.
▶️Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.

Monday Jul 01, 2019
What About Hell? - 0056
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
What about hell? What does the Bible teach about that? Is hell just?
Resources and Ways to Connect with Me:
▶️GET STARTED READING THE BIBLE RIGHT: https://www.johnwhittaker.net/podcast
▶️YOUTUBE: I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
1. Become a patron for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here.
2. Donate through World Family Mission at http://worldfamilymissions.org/missionaries/john-whittaker/ … all gifts are tax deductible.
-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.

Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
There are things that happen in life that are just heavy. But ... the weight of the glory to come is much heavier. The heaviness of life doesn't even compare to the weight of glory. And thus, we can live not lose heart!
In response to this episode, I'd encourage you to memorize 2 Corinthians 4:16-18.
▶️Be sure to check out Surprised by Hope, by N. T. Wright at https://amzn.to/2X5fCJ1 (note this is an affiliate link)
▶️Subscribe to my mailing list and receive free resources by signing up for the Bible reading plan at johnwhittaker.net.
▶️The Bible in Life is a listener supported show. There are two ways you can support the show:
1. Become a patron for as little as $5 per month on his Patreon page by clicking here and receive a bonus podcast every month.
2. Donate through World Family Mission at http://worldfamilymissions.org/missionaries/john-whittaker/ … all gifts are tax deductible.
▶️Other resources and ways to connect with me:
YouTube - I release short Bible studies every Thursday on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnWhittaker
Social Media-I would love to connect with you on facebook and instagram
As always, if you appreciate this teaching leave a review and share freely - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, via email.