
Friday Mar 17, 2023
The Best Climate for Discipleship | Be and Make Disciples, pt. 7
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
What climate is necessary for us to thrive as disciples?
What climate is best for making disciples?
A climate of grace and truth.
Why is this? The biblical answer to that question is that we are made in the image of God. God is truth and God is love. So that means that as human beings we are made to run on grace and truth
This is the climate in which human beings flourish.
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The Listener’s Commentary - In-depth teaching through books of the Bible to help you learn the Bible for yourself:
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Email - john@johnwhittaker.net
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Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Grow in Faith Together | Be and Make Disciples, pt. 6
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
The discipleship path entails growing in faith. But that doesn't happen alone. Discipleship always happens through a life-on-life transfer. We learn from each other. We practice the "one anothers" with each other. We provide concrete examples of following Jesus for each other.
Growing in faith happens together.
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The Listener’s Commentary - In-depth teaching through books of the Bible to help you learn the Bible for yourself:
Connect with John:
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Email - john@johnwhittaker.net
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Friday Mar 03, 2023
This Discipleship Path | Be and Make Disciples, pt. 5
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Being a disciple means you attach yourself to Jesus to become like Jesus. The goal is to become like him in character and mission.
How do you go from new follower of Jesus to substantially like Jesus?
What's the path?
If you're helping somebody grow as a disciple, what's the path you should be guiding them along?
If you're a pastor, does your church have a clear path that guides someone from new believer to mature disciple?
We need a discipleship path.
ree 30 Page eBook to help you Hear and Heed the Bible:
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The Listener’s Commentary - In-depth teaching through books of the Bible to help you learn the Bible for yourself:
Connect with John:
Social Media- connect on facebook and instagram
Email - john@johnwhittaker.net
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Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Where Does Discipleship Start? | Be and Make Disciples, pt. 4
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Where does discipleship start?
What is the goal discipleship aims at?
In this episode, we explore the catalyst for and goal of living as a disciples of Jesus.
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The Listener’s Commentary - In-depth teaching through books of the Bible to help you learn the Bible for yourself:
Connect with John:
Social Media- connect on facebook and instagram
Email - john@johnwhittaker.net
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Thursday Feb 16, 2023
What is the Gospel? | Be and Make Disciples, pt. 3
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
What is the Gospel?
This question is terribly to the topic of discipleship because as Bill Hull and Ben Sobels say, "The gospel you preach determines the disciples you make" ... and it will determine the kind of disciple you are as well.
And unfortunately, the typical gospel in the evangelical church has been really good at making church members with a ticket to heaven but not disciples of Jesus.
So what is the gospel Jesus and the apostles preached? Tune it to find out.
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The Listener’s Commentary - In-depth teaching through books of the Bible to help you learn the Bible for yourself:
Connect with John:
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Email - john@johnwhittaker.net
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Thursday Feb 09, 2023
What would it be like to be discipled by Jesus? | Be and Make Disciples, pt. 2
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Be and Make Disciples
This episode explores the question, What would it have been like to be discipled by Jesus?
We can answer this question by reading the Gospels. There was this well-known line from the Mishnah about being “covered in the dust” of your rabbi. It reflects both traveling behind him learning as you discuss important topics and sitting at his feet as he taught in a house. This is exactly what we see in the gospels. In the Gospels, we see Jesus discipling the disciples.
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The Listener’s Commentary - In-depth teaching through books of the Bible to help you learn the Bible for yourself:
Connect with John:
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Email - john@johnwhittaker.net
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Thursday Feb 02, 2023
What is the Mission of Your Life? | Be and Make Disciples
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Matthew 28:18-20
And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
What is a disciple?
How do you make one?
Why does it matter?
In this episode we kick off a new series on being and making disciples.
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The Listener’s Commentary - In-depth teaching through books of the Bible to help you learn the Bible for yourself:
Connect with John:
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Email - john@johnwhittaker.net
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Thursday Jan 19, 2023
The Two Most Important Practices for Spiritual Growth
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
This episode of the Bible in Life explores the two fundamental practices for spiritual growth and how to practice them consistently and in a way the actually leads to growth. If you want to grow spiritually this year, these two practices are the key.
Free 30 Page eBook to help you Hear and Heed the Bible:
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The Listener’s Commentary - In-depth teaching through books of the Bible to help you learn the Bible for yourself:
Connect with John:
Social Media- connect on facebook and instagram
Email - john@johnwhittaker.net
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Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
This episode explores 5 implications of the fact that we living between the now and the not yet and are still waiting for the restoration of all things.
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The Listener’s Commentary - In-depth teaching through books of the Bible to help you learn the Bible for yourself:
Connect with John:
Social Media- connect on facebook and instagram
Email - john@johnwhittaker.net
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Thursday Jan 05, 2023
What Are We Still Waiting For? | Advent 2022
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Free 30 Page eBook to help you Hear and Heed the Bible:
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The Listener’s Commentary - In-depth teaching through books of the Bible to help you learn the Bible for yourself:
Connect with John:
Social Media- connect on facebook and instagram
Email - john@johnwhittaker.net
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